Wednesday, January 19, 2005
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(5/9/05)Sailing season is here! I haven't made it out yet but here's a couple of pics from summer 2003

(5-1-05)An evening walk on the causeway. This pic is looking north.
The causeway is an old railroad bed, now a walk/bike path, about 2.5 miles, separating the main lake from Mallets Bay, and connecting Colchester Point to Grand Isle (except for a now missing drawbridge at the end). This pic is looking south.
It was windy... pretty fierce waves considering its fresh water
Sunset Island, to the West
Sunset Island, zoomed in
Law Island, also to the west (south of Sunset Island)
Now the sun is setting, making for purple water. Look how glassy smooth the water is on the east side... the wind, as usual, is coming from the west.
The sunset

Yep, I live in Vermont (4/18/05)
(4/11/05)My favorite possession
Its a quilt my mom made me for Christmas 2003. It has sailboats, and the little blue spots are ducks.
...and on the back, its waves.
Today (4/6/05) is a good day, if these 5 pics are any indication:
Just two days ago this was ice. I guess this must be the UVM sailing team out practicing.
This still is ice
But these peeps have shorts on

Me pointing camera at myself (1/05).

Here's where the plants huddle for the winter(4/5/05)

Except the ones that are up here (see, the spider plant is expecting again 4/5/05)

Random waterfront pic (One Main 4/5/05)

The UVM Green

More UVM Green
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(5/9/05)Sailing season is here! I haven't made it out yet but here's a couple of pics from summer 2003

(5-1-05)An evening walk on the causeway. This pic is looking north.

The causeway is an old railroad bed, now a walk/bike path, about 2.5 miles, separating the main lake from Mallets Bay, and connecting Colchester Point to Grand Isle (except for a now missing drawbridge at the end). This pic is looking south.

It was windy... pretty fierce waves considering its fresh water

Sunset Island, to the West

Sunset Island, zoomed in

Law Island, also to the west (south of Sunset Island)

Now the sun is setting, making for purple water. Look how glassy smooth the water is on the east side... the wind, as usual, is coming from the west.

The sunset

Yep, I live in Vermont (4/18/05)

(4/11/05)My favorite possession

Its a quilt my mom made me for Christmas 2003. It has sailboats, and the little blue spots are ducks.

...and on the back, its waves.

Today (4/6/05) is a good day, if these 5 pics are any indication:

Me pointing camera at myself (1/05).

Here's where the plants huddle for the winter(4/5/05)

Except the ones that are up here (see, the spider plant is expecting again 4/5/05)

Random waterfront pic (One Main 4/5/05)

The UVM Green

More UVM Green
1 cool people commented so far!
Hi Andy,
I am kind of embarrased to say that I just noticed your comment on my blog about Kuhn's book. I haven't read through your blog yet (although it's very tempting) because I have two finals tomorrow. Anyway...I just wanted to say thanks for leaving the comment and I look forward to reading your blog. I'll post you a comment after I through reading it.
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